College Campus

Sunday 26 May 2024

"If not Earth, Where else?" - An Interaction session


- Dr. V. Girish, Scientist, ISRO

There are various researches to find alternative habitat for human beings but with the available technology, the chances of reaching those places is remote and even if reached, the considerations for human living such as atmosphere and other conditions clearly tells that there is no other better alternative to our Mother Earth. Hence, we have to save our Earth from destruction.

This message was given to the gathering at Hari Vidyalaya through an interaction session by Dr. V. Girish.

The talk was organised by Hari Vidyalaya in association with COSMOS, Mysuru. Sri. Amoghavarsha, COSMOS, H.R. Bhagavan, Secretary Hari Vidyalaya & Sri. N. S. Janardhan, Academic coordinator were present.

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